It is the goal of your reiki session to assist you in regaining harmony in your body, mind, and soul. Because the session is virtual, planning ahead of time will help you get the most out of it. Here are some suggestions to help you prepare.
1. Find out what you want to achieve.
Understanding why you are seeking Reiki will assist you in setting your objective. Consider your desire to be your session’s goal or objective. It all depends on what you want to get out of it. The purpose directs the flow of Reiki energy to the areas that are most important to you, concentrating these energies to assist create better awareness and balance. You may pick from a sample list of intentions below, or you can develop your own to bring to your Reiki session.
2. Pick a location for your meeting or event.
Decide where you wish to have your Reiki treatment prior to your appointment. Because you will need to be comfortably reclined, your session location should be calm and allow you to rest in a reclined posture without being disturbed. Because we want your mind and body to relax, it is not recommended that you sit up straight on a chair during your Reiki session. It is ideal to be somewhat or totally reclined. After you’ve decided on a site, you may organize it in any manner that makes it seem unique, calming, or spiritually significant to you. Light a candle or incense and surround yourself with objects that are precious or holy to you. This is your holy ground!
3. Check the equipment’s operation
Verify that the tools you want to use during your Reiki session, such as your computer, tablet, phone, and headphones, work properly before beginning the session. If you are using a gadget that has to be propped up at any point throughout your session, check to see that it can be done so in an easy manner and that it will not fall over.
It is also very important for your Reiki practitioner to be able to see and hear you well, so make sure that you place your camera in a way that allows you to be seen and heard properly as well. To ensure that you are able to hear the guided meditation that is played during the Reiki treatment, it is strongly recommended that you use earbuds or headphones.
4. Be receptive to the Reiki experience.
Your ability to relax and go with the flow of the experience is critical to the effectiveness of your virtual reiki energy session. Your Reiki practitioner is a skilled facilitator who will assist you in relaxing. All you have to do is follow the suggestions and relax, allowing yourself to be receptive to the experience. Following the Reiki treatment, you will have the option to meet with the practitioner to discuss any experiences you had during the Reiki session, as well as anything else that may be beneficial to you at the moment.